I received an email from Lieutenant's Pump in Ottawa regarding their mother's day brunch. I wouldn't normally pass information like this along (I don't want to specifically advertise restaurants just because they have contacted me), but this is for a good cause.
On Sunday, May 13th (that's Mother's Day, just in case you forgot!), Lietenant's Pump is holding Mother's Day Brunch for the Cure. Brunch will be served from 8:30am to 2:30pm and a dollar from every plate will be donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
Special Brunch Menu:
Poached Eggs on Asparagus w/ Mornay Sauce
Creamed Salmon & Shrimp in Filo Nests
White Chocolate Pancakes w/ Brandied Cherry Sauce
Not only do you impress your mother with some fancy food, but you get to support a worthwhile cause! If you do go check it out, I would love to hear back from you about your experiences!